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Keith Valley Middle School Library: Revolutionary Perspectives

Start your assignments in your school library with these great resources!

American Revolution (PBS)

Liberty! American Revolution

Primary Sources for the American Revolution

Passwords To Resources

FactCite (eBooks)

Gale - All Databases (Choose to Search Specific or All Resources)

This will give you the option to select a single Gale database, or all Gale database subscriptions.

Scholastic Go! (General Encyclopedia & Websites)

Scholastic Go!

World Book Encyclopedia

PA PowerLibrary (In-School Access)

Biography Websites

These websites are examples of reliable, informative sites you can use in your scholarly work.  Use these as models in your website evaluation process, or use them for your specific research topic.

Search for Books

KV Library Books

Use Destiny to locate the biographies on our shelves. Most biographies are arranged alphabetically according to the subject's name in the 921s. Collective biographies, books that profile several people, are located in the 920s both on the circulating and the reference shelves.