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Keith Valley Middle School Library: Books & Reading

Start your assignments in your school library with these great resources!

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Get your library card ready in case you find that must-have book!  You'll need to enter your barcode (type all the numbers, and leave out the spaces) to request a title.

Visit a Public Library

Read Books Online

The free books are in the public domain, internet-based, and most are considered "classics."

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Privacy Statement

Records of the following institutions which relate to the circulation of library materials and contain the names or other personally identifying information of users of the materials shall be confidential and may not be made available to anyone except by a court order in a criminal proceeding:

(1) The State Library. (2) A local library established or maintained under the provisions of this chapter. (3) The library of a university, college or educational institution chartered by the Commonwealth. (4) The library of a public school. (5) A library established and maintained under a law of this Commonwealth. (6) A branch reading room, deposit station or agency operated in connection with a library described in this section.

Taken from Pennsylvania Statutes Title 24 Pa.C.S.A. Education § 9375

For more information, please follow this link.

Audiobook Collection

The KV Library has a collection of Playaway audiobook devices for your child(ren) to use. 

Please see the attached file for important information letting you know how your child(ren) may use these devices.

 If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Ms. Quinn directly.

We have 265 audiobooks (Playaway and CD formats) available in our library.  

YA Books @ KV Library

The KV Library serves students with a wide range of interests, abilities, and backgrounds.

Our collection reflects our diversity.

This letter describes Young Adult (YA) literature.

Parents may return an opt-out form if they wish to withhold permission for their children to check out YA books.

Parents are encouraged to call Ms. Quinn with any questions or concerns at any time.