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Keith Valley Middle School Library: About the Library

Start your assignments in your school library with these great resources!

Welcome to the Keith Valley Middle School Library

The KV Library circulates approximately 15,000 volumes, which includes nonfiction and fiction collections, encyclopedias, and an audiovisual and ebook collection. The library also subscribes to a number of electronic databases and ebooks including FactCite, Gale Student Resource Center, Scholastic Go! and PA PowerLibrary. The librarian teaches information literacy classes and provides reference services for our KV community of learners and educators.  The library is a member of the Access PA project, but as a school library it is closed to the public; materials are shared via Interlibrary Loan.  

Contact Information

Mailing Address

Keith Valley Middle School Library
Keith Valley Middle School
227 Meetinghouse Road
Horsham, PA 19044

Main Desk Phone Number


Library Staff

KV Library Mission

It is the mission of the Keith Valley Middle School Library that:
  • All students leave Keith Valley with the knowledge to be independent life-long learners who are not only ethical, literate users of information, but who are also literate producers of information in order to be successful, productive citizens of the 21st Century.
  • All students will be able to determine their informational needs, recognize relevant information, solve problems, and effectively communicate the results of their research.
  • All students develop the life-long habit of leisure as well as informational reading.
"A person can Google his or her way through life and call it 'research,' but . . . the real skill of an educated mind [is] the ability to read, understand, and derive knowledge from complex texts." Michael Gorman

Borrowing & Returning Books & Magazines

Due Dates & Renewals

All books and audiobooks may be borrowed for 2 weeks (10 school days).

You may borrow up to 4 items at a time (only 1 Playaway at a time).

All materials have due dates stamped in themReturn books to the book drop at the circulation counter.

If you want to renew an item, bring it to the library to be renewed (we will only say "no" to a renewal if there is a waiting list for the item).

You can keep track of your due dates online Login to Destiny, and click the Log In button in the top right-hand corner. (Use your school username and password for access).  

But I Really Wanted . . .

You may request books!  Some of our titles are very popular, and you will only get a turn to borrow them if you "place a hold."  See Ms. Quinn or Mrs. Salters for help with this.  When your book comes in, we'll send you a notice in homeroom.  You may use it as a pass to come to the library to check out your book.

You may borrow audiobooks.  We have Playaway devices and books on CD that you may use in your teacher's classroom.

You may request new books!  Ms. Quinn will try to honor all student requests, either by purchasing the books for our library, or by borrowing them from other libraries.

Overdue Notices

Your due dates are your responsibility.  Do not depend on your teacher to bring your whole class to the library so that you can return your book(s). You may visit the library before homeroom, during lunch, and during PACE, or during a class period with teacher's permission.

If you lose or damage an item, see Ms. Quinn right away.  She will help you take responsibility for the problem, which may mean paying to replace the item.  The sooner you talk to Ms. Quinn, the sooner you can clear up the problem.

If you owe overdue books, you won't be permitted to check out or renew any items.  You must take care of your current responsibility before you take on a new one.

Overdue notices are printed as a reminder, and your homeroom teacher will distribute them.  If you receive a notice, treat it like a pass and go to the library IMMEDIATELY. BRING YOUR BOOK WITH YOU The notice is an opportunity to go to the library and straighten out any issues before they turn into bigger problems.

When in doubt, ask for help!  Ms. Quinn and Mrs. Salters are here to help you.  You will never get in trouble for asking for help.


American Association of School Librarians Learning Standards