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Simmons Elementary LibGuide: Kindergarten

Pennsylvania Young Readers Choice Nominees

Chick and Brain: Smell My Foot! (Bell)
Warren and Dragon: 100 Friends (Bernstein)

Frankie Sparks and the Class Pet (Blakemore)

The Very Impatient Caterpillar (Burach)

Can I Be Your Dog? (Cummings)

Leila in Saffron (Guidroz)

Potato Pants (Keller)

Sun! One in a Billion (McAnulty)

My Papi Has a Motorcycle (Quintero)

Billie Jean: How Tennis Star Billie Jean King changed women’s sports (Rockliff)

The Party and other Stories (Ruzzier)

Sign Off (Savage)

Daring Dozen: The Twelve Who Walked on the Moon (Slade)

A Computer Called Katherine (Slade)

Hidden City: Poems of Urban Wildlife (Tuttle)

Kindergarten in the Library

     We always look forward to meeting and welcoming the Kindergarten students to the library each year.  Kindergarten is an exciting year in the library.  The boys and girls in kindergarten learn library procedures and book care in the beginning of the year.  They also get to know the works of popular authors and illustrators, parts of a book, and so much more!  Take a look at the Kindergarten library curriculum outlined in further detail below.

Literature Skills

Students will:


·         Develop skills for listening to stories.

·         Participate in storytelling activities.

·         Make predictions about books, authors, and illustrations.

·         Determine if a story is real or make believe.

·         Respond to different genres of literature.

·         Recognize the Caldecott Medal Award on a book.

·         Understand the difference between author and illustrator.

·         Identify a variety of different storybook characters.

·         Develop an initial knowledge base of a variety of authors.

·         Participate in an author study.

Research & Information Literacy Skills

Students will:


·        Identify parts of a book: cover, spine, title page, author, illustrator, and call numbers.

·        Define the vocabulary including fiction, nonfiction, author, illustrator, and call letters.

·       Demonstrate responsibility and care of library materials.

·       Identify librarian and staff.

·       Demonstrate understanding of the consequences of overdue and lost materials.

·       Select books based on their interests and curriculum needs.

·       Identify differences between a school library and a public library.

Contact Mrs. Vagnoni

Profile Photo
Tina Vagnoni
Simmons Elementary
411 Babylon Rd
Horsham, PA 19044
(215) 420-5736

Worksheets for Kindergarten