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Simmons Elementary LibGuide: Grade 3

Pennsylvania Young Readers Choice Nominees

Chick and Brain: Smell My Foot! (Bell)
Warren and Dragon: 100 Friends (Bernstein)

Frankie Sparks and the Class Pet (Blakemore)

The Very Impatient Caterpillar (Burach)

Can I Be Your Dog? (Cummings)

Leila in Saffron (Guidroz)

Potato Pants (Keller)

Sun! One in a Billion (McAnulty)

My Papi Has a Motorcycle (Quintero)

Billie Jean: How Tennis Star Billie Jean King changed women’s sports (Rockliff)

The Party and other Stories (Ruzzier)

Sign Off (Savage)

Daring Dozen: The Twelve Who Walked on the Moon (Slade)

A Computer Called Katherine (Slade)

Hidden City: Poems of Urban Wildlife (Tuttle)

Third Grade in the Library

     Third grade is another exciting year in the SImmons Library!  The boys and girls in third grade learn about the Dewey Decimal System in further detail during library classes.  They also learn about the research process through projects that connect with the science and social studies curriculum in third grade.  They continue to practice search skills through the use of the library catalog (OPAC) and library center activities.  Please take a look at the third grade library curriculum outlined in further detail below.

Literature Skills

Students will:


·      Recognize different types of genre.

·      Identify key components of various forms of biographical writing.

·      Select suitable biography to read independently.


Research & Information Literacy Skills

Students will:


·      Demonstrate an understanding of the ten main classes of the Dewey Decimal System utilizing this knowledge to locate materials including fiction, nonfiction and other materials.

·      Locate materials using search strategies in OPAC-Destiny.

·      Explain the arrangement of books in different sections of the library.

·      Differentiate between fact and fiction and opinion.

·      Utilize introductory research skills.

·      Demonstrate understanding of parts of a book: cover, spine, title page, author, illustrator, call numbers, publisher, place of publication, copyright date, dedication page, table of contents, index, and glossary.

Contact Mrs. Vagnoni

Profile Photo
Tina Vagnoni
Simmons Elementary
411 Babylon Rd
Horsham, PA 19044
(215) 420-5736

Worksheets for Third Grade